Free E Greeting Cards Inspiring Black and White Photography Pictures of St. Benedict
St. Marys Black and White Photographs
St. Vincent College Black and White Photographs
St. Josheph Convent Black and White Photographs
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About the Artist

Joshua Brock was born in 1971 in St. Marys, PA to John and Carol Rae Brock. The sixth of seven children, Joshua attended St. Marys Parochial School and Elk County Christian High School. Growing up within walking distance of his school, church, and St. Joseph's Convent, the artist's life was constantly influenced by the men and women following the precepts of "Ora et Labora" (Prayer and Work) St. Benedict developed centuries ago.

Furthering that bond, Joshua attended St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA and received degrees in Business and Communications. It was while completing his degree for Communications that the artist composed his original collection of black and white photographs. Amid the tranquil scenery and architecture of both the St. Vincent College campus and the community of St. Marys, Joshua was inspired to capture the beauty and history of these two very special places.

Joshua currently resides in Longmont, CO and is busy on his next project, photographing the beauty of the American West.

Images of St. Benedict